From Practicing Catholics to Apostles on Mission is a formation program for adult Catholics.
Supplying pastoral and theological training for the New Evangelization, Apostles on Mission equips participants with the tools and formation needed to be evangelizers to their families, parishes, and communities.
“In virtue of their baptism, all the members of the People of God have become missionary disciples... The new evangelization calls for personal involvement on the part of each of the baptized. Every Christian is challenged, here and now, to be actively engaged in evangelization...””
Are you interested in participating in Apostles on Mission, or in sharing the program with others?
Apostles on Mission asynchronous course is now available in Spanish.
Apostles on Mission is available as an in-person, hybrid, online, or asynchronous course experience and now in Spanish.
Currently, adult Catholics of any age are invited to register for the completely asynchronous online Apostles on Mission course, now available in English and Spanish. Be formed in the Church’s theology and pastoral training on your own schedule and at your own pace.
Take Action
Are you interested in hosting an in-person, hybrid, or online cohort of Apostles on Mission in your parish or diocese?
If interested in finding more information about Apostles on Mission click the link below: