Session Summaries

Each session is designed to have time for small group discussion, prayer, and theological training. By focusing not only on academic formation, in this way, the program gives the participant a wider opportunity for personal growth and deepening one’s own encounter with the person of Jesus through the Church’s rich tradition.

The 10 sessions of Apostles on Mission are described below. Each one is supplemented with teaching and learning resources in both the Facilitator and Participant Guides, which are available for preview.

Session 1: Personal Encounter with Jesus

Centered around each person’s personal encounter with Christ, participants will be asked to reflect on and share their own faith story so that all participants will understand that, by sharing their testimony, they are able to evangelize others.

Session 2: Baptismal Call and Mission

By delving into the importance of the sacrament of Baptism and the ontological differences between a baptized Christian and those who are not baptized, participants should understand the importance of being baptized and understanding what our call truly is.

Session 3: Discernment and Apostolic Vocation

In addressing discernment – with a particular consideration of the Holy Spirit’s role in it – participants are implored to consider that everyone has a unique apostolic vocational call that he or she needs to be receptive to. Discernment can be challenging, but this session will help to provide knowledge about what needs to be considered and done in order to accept one’s calling.

Session 4: Liturgy and Spirituality

Focused on the importance of the Mass, as well as the meaning and role of the sacraments in a Christian life, a particular emphasis is made on the Eucharist being one’s personal connection to Jesus and the importance of prayer-life as a form of examination and discernment.

Session 5: Evangelization and Missionary Discipleship

By providing an understanding of the most effective and ineffective methods of evangelization, participants should be able to comprehend the key elements of missionary discipleship.

Session 6: The Church in Service of the World

In addressing the seven principles of Catholic Social Teaching, participants develop an understanding of how the Church demonstrates human dignity to each individual and the Body of Christ as a whole.

Session 7: Collaboration and Co-Responsibility in the Church

Through the implied importance of collaboration between the services of priests, laity, and consecrated men and women, participants will gain an understanding that, through our Baptism, we are called to collaborate with the church. With the use of the seven Christ-centered collaboration methods, the participants are given concrete implementation tools

Session 8: Parish Ministry

By educating participants on the structure of typical parish life by discussing items such as: connecting with and understanding the relationship between the Eucharist and missionary discipleship, what the best practices of congregational engagement are, and the “Sunday experience,” participants should be able to more effectively serve in their parish.

Session 9: Evangelization Start-Up and Mentorship Relationship

Paramount to the Apostles on Mission program, the mentorship relationship is more deeply explained and broken open. Mentees explain their ideas on how to create their Evangelization Start-Up and work with mentors to plan the next steps to get the start-up off the ground by understanding the importance of the Holy Spirit as an agent of formation and transformation.

Session 10: Evangelization Discussion

Confidence in God In concluding the program as a whole, participants are encouraged to share their evangelization experiences and start-up plans. After this, they are left with the tools and knowledge they have gained to go forth and continue being an apostle after this program.

Apostles on Mission is also available in several formats: in-person, online, hybrid, and asynchronous. To learn more about other current offerings of the program, or to learn how the Catholic Apostolate Center can collaborate with your parish, diocese, or organization to offer Apostles on Mission specifically tailored for the needs of your context, contact us today.